Thursday, June 1, 2023

LRH RPT Submits to ALRC on 'Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws'

The Law, Religion, and Heritage Research Program Team at the University of Southern Queensland has made a submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission.  The submission comes in response to a consultation paper on 'Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws'.  The submission can be downloaded here   Here is a summary:

"In response to the consultation paper, the LR
H RPT has prepared the present written submission.  It contains three main points.  First, that taken as a whole, the positions expressed in the consultation paper are pragmatic, feasible, and strike a reasonable balance between the fundamental rights of religious freedom and equality.  Second, that religious educational institutions need better guidance on which staffing roles and activities are subject to protection by anti-discrimination provisions in the proposals.  Third, that additional safeguards should be instituted in regard to Proposal 7 so that LGBTIQ+ students are better protected from a pervasive atmosphere of discrimination and hostility that could result from a religious educational institution’s delivery of curriculum content on matters of sexuality and gender. Below, each of these points is discussed in further detail."

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