Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Collins on 'Practice Insight: Court-connected mediation in Jordan—Considerations for choosing a mediator’

Professor Pauline Collins of the University of Southern Queensland School of Law and Justice has co-written (along with Bakr Abdel Fattah Al Serhan and Wesam Faisal Al Shawawreh) a new article titled 'Practice Insight: Court-connected mediation in Jordan—Considerations for choosing a mediator’.  The article appears in the April 2023 issue of Conflict Resolution Quarterly.  Here is the abstract:

"A model of court-connected mediation following Western practice was adopted in Jordan in 2003. Its success has been limited. This practice insight addresses the current mediation legislation in Jordan in relation to civil and commercial disputes. The law allows the parties three options in choosing a mediator, one being a judge mediator. This raises important considerations for parties when they are choosing a mediator. The practice insight addresses these considerations with a view to improving party awareness when exercising their choice of mediator. It also takes the opportunity to suggest legislative changes to improve the uptake of mediation."

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