Thursday, June 16, 2022

McKibbin, Patrick, and Harmes on "The Impact of Law's History: What's Past is Prologue"

USQ School of Law and Justice lecturers Dr Sarah McKibbin and Dr Jeremy Patrick, along with USQ Open Access College Professor Marcus Harmes, have published a new edited collection titled The Impact of Law's History: What's Past is Prologue.  The book is published by Palgrave Macmillan and collects papers presented at a USQ Law, Religion, and Heritage Research Program Team colloquium on legal history.  Here is the publisher's description:

"This book considers how legal history has shaped and continues to shape our shared present. Each chapter draws a clear and significant connection to a meaningful feature of our lives today. Focusing primarily on England and Australia, contributions show the diversity of approaches to legal history’s relevance to the present. Some contributors have a tight focus on legal decisions of particular importance. Others take much bigger picture overview of major changes that take centuries to register and where impact is still felt. The contributors are a mix of legal historians, practising lawyers, members of the judiciary, and legal academics, and develop analysis from a range of sources from statutes and legal treatises to television programs. Major legal personalities from Edward Marshall Hall to Sir Dudley Ryder are considered, as are landmarks in law from the Magna Carta to the Mabo Decision."

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