Thursday, June 24, 2021

Hemming on 'Evidence: Commentary and Materials'

 Associate Professor Andrew Hemming of the USQ School of Law and Justice has co-written (along with Brianna Chesser) the new 9th edition of Evidence: Commentary and Materials (ThomsonReuters, 2021).  Here is the publisher's description and the table of contents:

"Evidence: Commentary and Materials 9th Edition introduces general principles and theoretical perpsectives of the law of evidence, covering all Australian jurisdictions and explaining State by State variations.


Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Competence and Compellability 
Chapter 3. The Burden and Standard of Proof 
Chapter 4. Presumptions 
Chapter 5. Prima Facie Case 
Chapter 6. Privilege 
Chapter 7. The Examination of Witnesses 
Chapter 8. Disposition and Character 
Chapter 9. Propensity or Similar Fact Evidence 
Chapter 10. The Accused as a Witness 
Chapter 11. Identification Evidence 
Chapter 12. Real Evidence 
Chapter 13. Documentary Evidence
Chapter 14. Opinion Evidence and Prior Determinations 
Chapter 15. Hearsay: The Exclusionary Rule 
Chapter 16. Hearsay: The Common Law and Statutory Exclusions 
Chapter 17. Confessions, Admissions and Statements Made in the Accused’s Presence 
Chapter 18. Illegally Obtained Evidence and Confirmation by Subsequent Fact 
Chapter 19. Res Gestae 
Chapter 20. Corroboration and Judicial Warnings in the Case of Suspect Witnesses"

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