Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Economides on 'Itinerant Justice and Proactive Legal Services: Origins, Achievements and Future Directions’

Honorary Professor Kim Economides of the USQ School of Law and Justice has published a new article titled "Itinerant Justice and Proactive Legal Services: Origins, Achievements and Future Directions'.  The article appears in Volume 18(3) of Direito em Movimento, Rio de JaneiroHere is the abstract:

"This article examines itinerant justice and proactive legal services serving remote areas and the distinction between these modes of legal service delivery. It examines foreign and historical precedents for mobile legal services and the lessons that emerge from this experience. The article also considers how these legal services should be evaluated and questions their present scope by asking whether in the future there should be a greater emphasis on collective legal action, or structural, as well as individual casework. Finally, the article looks at future planning and considers specific reforms that might enhance their contribution, particularly for those in remote or Indigenous communities." 

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