Sunday, June 23, 2024

Gray on ‘Freedom of Speech in the Woke Era: Critical Race Theory and State Neutrality’

Professor Anthony Gray, recently of the University of Southern Queensland School of Law and Justice, has published a new article titled 'Freedom of Speech in the Woke Era: Critical Race Theory and State Neutrality'.  The article appears in Volume 12 of the Western Australia Jurist.  Here is the abstract:

"This chapter advocates for freedom of speech against the kind of post-modern critical race theory that is said to justify serious restrictions on speech relating to race.  A liberal democratic society is fundamentally premised on freedom of speech.  This should be a neutral political principle, espoused by all sides of politics.  And yet, politicians of all political persuasions are being seduced by the woke shutdown, de-platforming vibe.  This is undemocratic and those who cherish democratic, free speech principles must fight back with strong speech."

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