Monday, October 10, 2022

Olwan on 'Intellectual Property: Principles and Practice'

Intellectual Property: Principles and Practice
During his time in the University of Southern Queensland School of Law, Dr Rami Olwan (now a Lecturer at Curtin University) co-wrote a book (along with Anne Fitzgerald and Dimitrios Eliades).  The book is titled Intellectual Property: Principles and Practice (Thomson Reuters, 2022).  Here is a portion of the publisher's description:

"Intellectual Property: Principles and Practice provides a succinct, principles-based account of all the forms of intellectual property recognised in Australian law: copyright, patents, plant breeder’s rights, trade marks, designs and confidential information.  It explains the rationale, key concepts and principles of each form of intellectual property in a style which is readily accessible to broad readership." 

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