Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Collins on 'A Snapshot of the Family Law Pathways Network Program: Working at the local Community level'

Professor Pauline Collins of the USQ School of Law and Justice has co-written a new journal article titled 'A Snapshot of the Family Law Pathways Network Program: Working at the local Community level'.  The article is co-written with India Bryce and Timothy Nugent and appears in Volume 34(2) of the Australian Journal of Family Law.  Here is the abstract:

"Since 2003, the Australian Attorney-General’s Department has funded Family Law Pathways Network (‘FLPN’) to provide professional assistance for separating families when navigating the legal and human support network maze. The FLPN serve in providing an assured access to information and necessary services in the family justice system. Thirty-three FLPN now operate across Australia. FLPN funding relies on annual government funding approval creating a fragile funding basis for their continued work. In response the FLPN has sought evidence to determine just how important their role is in the family domain. This article reports on an evidence-based research project that provides a snapshot of FLPN activities and their value to the local community across FLPN communities in Australia."

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