Thursday, October 7, 2021

Australian Journal of Law & Religion: Call for Papers


Call for Papers: 2022 Inaugural Issues

The Australian Journal of Law and Religion is the first journal specifically devoted to law and religion issues in the South Pacific region. The intersection of law and religion has not only had tremendous influence historically on the world, but continues to pose fresh challenges, controversies, and possibilities. In the past few years, scholarly discussion and public debate in Australia has been devoted to law and religion concerns—the school chaplaincy debate, the Ruddock Review, religious exemptions and discrimination in schools, the Folau controversy, and more. The ongoing discussions regarding the proposed Commonwealth law on religious discrimination will only spur further consideration and scholarship.  This is a scholarly area that encompasses deep historical study, wide-ranging knowledge of different faith traditions, political cross-currents, and ever-changing public tension. Simply put, the connection and conflict between law and religion is only going to grow increasingly prominent in a globalised, multicultural society. The Australian Journal of Law and Religion is a natural home for this kind of scholarship and will serve as the first place readers and researchers turn when looking for new developments in the field.  It will be available in both print and online through Gold Open Access.

The editors now invite contributions to the inaugural issues of the Australian Journal of Law and Religion. There is no fee for authors.

·             * Articles should be 6,000 to 8,000 words in length and will undergo peer review. Contributions that         are purely theological, sociological, or political will not be considered, but interdisciplinary work          involving these fields in connection with law and religion will be welcomed.  Articles involving any     area of law are welcomed, and for example may involve the sub-disciplines of public law                         (constitutional claims of freedom of religion or church-state neutrality), employment law (religious         discrimination claims), private law (the corporate structures, taxation and charity law obligations,         and property interests of religious entities), and international law (human rights guarantees).

·             * Book review submissions should be no more than 1,000 words in length and must be on a book             published in the past eighteen months.

·             Special topic forum submissions should be 800-1000 words in length. The topic for the inaugural         special forum is “The Future of Law and Religion in Australia”.

Submissions for the inaugural issue are due via e-mail by 1 March 2022.

Website:      ||           E-mail:     ||           Twitter: @AusJLR

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