Thursday, November 26, 2020

Sylvester on 'eLearn – Statutory Interpretation – an Introduction'

Ms Lisa Sylvester of the USQ School of Law and Justice has recently published eLearn - Statutory Interpretation - an Introduction along with co-author Sharon Szeto.  
This interactive digital learning
resource is available on the LexisNexis online store.  Here is the publisher's summary:

"eLearn: Statutory Interpretation – an Introduction is an online resource that provides students of law and related disciplines with an interactive way to know, understand and practise the fundamentals of interpretation.

This digital resource provides activities that create an engaging way to improve the skills and knowledge that students acquire in their seminars and tutorials. It is designed to align with a semester course where statutory interpretation may be either a unit of study or embedded in another legal subject. It highlights the modern approach to statutory interpretation.

The resource serves as a revision and support tool. Students can stop an activity, logoff and resume at the point they last reached. Completing the reading and activities will take students 5–7 hours, depending on their level of interest and interaction with extra content such as flowcharts; how-to videos and glossaries. It is a companion resource for all foundations of law textbooks and units in which statutory interpretation is taught.


• Interactive timeline to understand England’s role in the development of Australia’s parliament
• Videos to support the practice of research skills
• Search activities that link to Federal Register of Legislation (also NSW and Victoria)
• A “hinty-bot” to provide tips on the learning journey
• Resource tab that includes useful links; downloadable documents; and a glossary of legal terms
• End of module quizzes"

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