Thursday, September 3, 2020

Gray pens ‘Change the Rules: Reform of the Economic Torts in Australia’

Professor Anthony Gray of the USQ School of Law and Justice has published a new article titled 'Change the Rules: Reform of the Economic Torts in Australia'.  The article appears in Volume 21(2) of the Flinders Law Journal.  Here is the abstract:

"The status of the economic torts in Australian law has not featured in recent academic writing, and has not been the subject of much judicial consideration. This article intends to bridge this gap. It was prompted by a controversy involving a sporting star. Rugby Australia terminated the contract of star player Israel Folau due to his social media activity. One issue that has been raised is whether sponsors may be liable to the player for one of the economic torts, such as inducing breach of contract and/or interference with trade or business. While the former tort has been well accepted in Australian tort law, there remains real uncertainty about the latter."

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