Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gray on "Defamation Law Reform in Australia: The Multiple Publication Rule"

Professor Anthony Gray of the USQ School of Law and Justice has recently published a new article in Volume 27(1) of the Tort Law Review  titled "Defamation Law Reform in Australia: The Multiple Publication Rule." Here is the abstract:

"Australian Attorneys-General are currently conducting a major review into the law of defamation. Australia’s uniform defamation laws were enacted in 2005, and much has changed in the past generation in the media and publishing landscape. This is the first of three articles that will consider possibilities for substantive reform of defamation law. This article will suggest that Australia should abandon the multiple publication rule, whereby a new cause of action and new limitation period generally applies on each occasion that defamatory material is “published”. Other jurisdictions have reformed this rule, and it is argued that Australian law should do the same." 

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