Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Mortensen on 'The Clergy of Liberalism: Lawyers’ Character, Virtue and Moral Education in Pluralized Societies'

 Professor Reid Mortensen of the USQ School of Law and Justice has published a new paper titled 'The Clergy of Liberalism: Lawyers' Character, Virtue, and Moral Education in Pluralized Societies'.  The paper appears as a chapter in John Witte Jr and Michael Welker (eds), The Impact of Law on Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies (Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig, 2021).  

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Call for Papers: "Arbiters of Justice: Historical Studies of Southern Queensland Lawgivers" Colloquium


The Colloquium: The Law, Religion, and Heritage Research Program Team at the University of Southern Queensland is hosting a colloquium titled Arbiters of Justice: Historical Studies of Southern Queensland Lawgivers.         

Date:    26 November 2021

            Venue: USQ Ipswich Campus, Room I-109

            Note: Physical attendance is warmly encouraged, but a Zoom option will be available.

Invitation: Academics, members of the legal community, local historians, and anyone with an interest in the topic are invited to participate.  The colloquium’s reference to “lawgivers” is intended broadly to encompass a wide range of people responsible for making and administering the law, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders, colonial governors, and notable jurists.  The link these individuals have to southern Queensland can take different forms, and will also be interpreted flexibly.  Contributions may include biographical studies, analyses of important decisions, reflections on the role that religion or spirituality played in the lawgiver’s life, and more.

What is required to participate?  Presentations should be 15-20 minutes to duration, with time for questions to follow after.  Presentations should be supported by a completed paper or work-in-progress suitable for distribution to other participants.  Should sufficient numbers of quality papers be received, the opportunity to contribute to an edited collection may become available after the colloquium.

Are you interested in contributing? Please register your interest in presenting at the colloquium by contacting Dr. Jeremy Patrick <jeremy.patrick@usq.edu.au>, Convenor of the Law, Religion, and Heritage Research Program Team. You are asked to submit a short (100-250 word) precis of your planned presentation by 1 October 2021.

Are you interested in attending?  Please RSVP with Dr Jeremy Patrick <jeremy.patrick@usq.edu.au> by 1 October 2021.  There is no cost to attend.