Sunday, June 24, 2018

Gray on "Public Sector Employees and the Freedom of Political Communication"

USQ's Professor Anthony Gray has published a journal article on "Public Sector Employees and the Freedom of Political Communication" in a recent issue of the Alternative Law Journal.  Here's the abstract:

"This article considers the Australian Public Service guidelines on public comment on social media in terms of the constitutionally protected freedom of political communication. It argues the guidelines are excessively broad, and go beyond legitimate government interests, significantly affecting the speech of government employees. Such employees have a significant contribution to make to the kind of political debates that are necessary in a functional democracy. It argues there is a real question regarding the compatibility of the guidelines with the constitutionally implied freedom of political communication."

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Gray on ''Contempt and the Australian Constitution - Part II'

Professor Anthony Gray recently published 'Contempt and the Australian Constitution - Part II' in the Journal of Judicial Administration (Volume 27, Part 2, 2018).  Here is the abstract:

"Part I of this article considered the existing common law of contempt in light of the implied freedom of political communication, concluding there were real doubts about current contempt law given this constitutional freedom. In Part II another constitutional aspect of contempt law is considered – the question of reform to contempt law, and constitutional limits on such proposals, particularly Chapter III of the Constitution."

McNamara and Zhao on ‘Adani Mining Pty Ltd v Land Services of Coast and Country Inc & Ors [2015] QLC 48’

USQ academics Dr. Noeleen McNamara (Senior Lecturer in Law) and Dr. Bob Zhao (Lecturer in Law) recently published a comment on Adani Mining Pty Ltd v Land Services of Coast and Country Inc & Ors, [2015] QLC 48 in the Australian Resources and Energy Law Journal (Volume 35, Issue 1, 2016).  Here is the abstract:

"The Carmichael Coal Mine and Rail Project comprises a greenfield open cut and underground coal mine and associated mine processing facilities, and a 450 km railway linking the mine with Abbot Point. The proponent is Adani Mining Pty Ltd (Adani), a subsidiary of the Adani Group, based in Ahmedabad, India. The mine is located in the Galilee Basin, the site of a number of proposed coal mines, and when fully developed is to be by far the largest coal mine in Queensland with a proposed production of up to 60 Mtpa and an estimated life of approximately 60 years. Current reserves total in excess of 3 billion tonnes of thermal coal. The estimated investment for the project is between $10 and $14 billion."

Zhao on 'Soil Degradation Through Agriculture in China'

Dr. Bob Zhao, Lecturer in Law at USQ, recently published 'Soil Degradation Through Agriculture in China: Its Extent, Impacts and Implications for Environmental Law Reform' in the International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy 2017.


The purpose of this blog is to chronicle and highlight research from the USQ School of Law and Justice.  Posts will include abstracts of recent publications by academic staff, notices about research events held at the School, and more.  All of this information is gathered from publicly-available sources, and is presented solely at my personal discretion as an individual, unofficial project.  Please read the prominent disclaimer on the side of the desktop version of this blog.